SOBRAC - 30 YEARS: History and Perspectives for Acoustics and its related areas in Brazil


  • Dinara Xavier da Paixão Sociedade Brasileira de Acústica, Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



SOBRAC, acoustics in Brazil, class entity


The Brazilian Acoustical Society, in the year of its 30th anniversary, consolidates its representation and establishes paths for the development of Acoustics and its related areas. This article shows that, based on the planning of short, medium, and long-term activities, the entity seeks to structure the activities of professionals, companies, and institutions, consolidating the market appreciation, which is expanding. Based on the experience of these three decades of commitment and dedication of some associates, a powerful entity was built, but it still needs more support to fully develop its objectives. The thirty years brought a period of maturity and, with it, the hope of much success in the accomplishments of SOBRAC, because the associates managed to leave behind the problems that, for long years, brought disagreements and stagnated the entity. The administrative restructuring, with the creation of the Deliberative and Fiscal Councils, as well as the valorization of the Regional Divisions were important points for this change of direction. The recognition of the work done and the awareness of the importance of the entity's action before public authorities and institutions mobilized the members, bringing to them the will to contribute, which was one of the main points to base the perspectives for Acoustics and its related areas in Brazil, for the next years. The implementation of a specific Technical Committee for standards at ABNT (the CEE 196 - Acoustics) is an example of this. Thus, it is observed that honorary, full, student, and institutional members (companies, universities, and research centers) are united to consolidate new opportunities for professionals and companies while ensuring benefits for the entire population.


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CÂMARA FEDERAL. Proposições. Disponível em:;jsessionid=AD9A0FDCC4262BAA211F87905EAE448.proposicoesWeb1?codteor=971343&filename=Parecer-CDU-25-11-2011 Acesso em: 26 nov 2014

SICAPES – Sistema Integrado CAPES - WebQualis.Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 nov 2014


Capa - SOBRAC - 30 ANOS: História e Perspectivas para a Acústica e suas áreas afins no Brasil



How to Cite

PAIXÃO, D. X. da. SOBRAC - 30 YEARS: History and Perspectives for Acoustics and its related areas in Brazil. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 29, n. 46, p. 3–12, 2014. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v29e46.123. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.

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