Obtaining a Mathematical Model for the Evaluation of Traffic Noise in Belém-Pa
traffic noise, mathematical models, statistical levels, equivalent noise levelAbstract
With the rapid and often disorganized expansion of Brazilian cities, noise pollution has become increasingly present in the lives of citizens. In this scenario, the increase in vehicular traffic can be highlighted as an aggravating factor, making it necessary to develop studies for noise analysis. Thus, taking as object of study a busy avenue in Belém-PA, 6 points were selected to measure the statistical levels (L10, L50 and L90) and the equivalent sound pressure level (Leq), for the development of mathematical models for prediction of these sound pressure levels, using statistical techniques of linear regression, and analysis of the validity of these models for other roads in the city. It was concluded that the models obtained showed good accuracy, even being able to satisfactorily represent other roads that maintain a pattern similar to that of the road in focus.
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