Exposure of occupational risk to hand-arm vibrations when operating orbital sanders in woodworking


  • Cibele Flores Ministério da Economia
  • Erasmo Felipe Vergara Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




occupational vibration, hand tool acceleration, woodworking


Exposure to vibrations in the hands and arms of the human body is an occupational hazard and is related to the use and manipulation of work tools. Moreover, permanent exposure to vibrations in the hands and arms for long periods can cause injuries, diseases and contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders. This study evaluates the acceleration resulting from normalized exposure (AREN) in the hand-arm system of workers who operated orbital sanders in joinery activities over four total evaluation times (75, 165, 255 and 435 minutes) considering 30 minutes activity periods and 15 minutes of rest. Instantaneous acceleration measurements were performed during 20 and 60 seconds for seven orbital sanders handled by their operators during the performance of a usual work activity. AREN of sanders evaluated in periods totalling 165, 255, and 435 minutes exceeded the Action Limit (2.5 m/s²) recommended by the NR-9 of MTE. For AREN with total activity time greater than 165 minutes, the Occupational Exposure Limit of 5 m/s² has been exceeded.


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Capa - Exposição do risco ocupacional às vibrações mão-braço na operação de lixadeiras orbitais em marcenarias



How to Cite

FLORES, C.; VERGARA , E. F. Exposure of occupational risk to hand-arm vibrations when operating orbital sanders in woodworking. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 35, n. 52, p. 59–71, 2020. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v35e52.25. Disponível em: https://acustica.emnuvens.com.br/acustica/article/view/aev52_lixadeiras. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.